Fall 2024
August 2024:
- Congrats to graduate student Alivia Eng for receiving a NASA FINESST grant AND an ARCS Scholar Award!!
Summer 2024
July 2024:
- Graduate student Sharissa Thompson and former Postdoc Dr. Jacob Adler (now Researcher at ASU) successfully completed NASA funded mudflow experiments in the Mars chamber at Open University, UK!!

June 2024:
- Congrats to graduate students Jelis Sostre-Cortés & Alivia Eng who received GT Astrobiology Fellowships!
- Congrats to Sharissa Thompson who attended and presented her research at the Clay Mineral Society (CMS) conference in Hawaii! She received a travel grant from CMS to attend!
- Dr. Rivera-Hernández, former Postdoc Dr. Ben McKeeby, and three graduate students: Tatiana Gibson, Alivia Eng, and Jelis Sostre-Cortés conducted another successful field season at Mt. Hood, WA as part of funded NASA PSTAR grant: “LASSIE: Legged Autonomous Surface Science In Analogue Environments“!!

Fall 2023
August 2023:
- Congrats to Emmy Hughes who was selected for an ARCS Scholar Award!
- Congrats to Tatiana Gibson for being awarded a travel award to participate in the 2023 Planetary Data Training Workshop on Photogrammetry.
- Graduate student Sharissa Thompson and Postdoc Dr. Ben McKeeby conducted successful field season at Mt. Hood, WA as part of funded NASA PSTAR grant: “LASSIE: Legged Autonomous Surface Science In Analogue Environments“

Summer 2023
July 2023:
- Congrats to Emmy Hughes who was selected to participate in the NASA Astrobiology Mission Ideation Factory.
- Group pic celebrating the end of summer research with PLANETAS interns: Lizbeth Minaya, Syndey Peters, and Allie Hearn!

Spring 2023
March & April 2023:
- Congrats to Tatiana Gibson and Sharissa Thompson for being selected to participate in 2023 Rivers of the Andes Field Training (RAFT) course.
- Congrats to Tatiana Gibson who was awarded an IGEN travel award!
- Graduate student Sharissa Thompson and Postdoc Dr. Ben McKeeby finished first field season at White Sands, NM as part of funded NASA PSTAR grant: “LASSIE: Legged Autonomous Surface Science In Analogue Environments“

- PLANETAS participated in the 2023 Atlanta Science Festival activities at Georgia Tech on March 11th! Thanks to Tatiana Gibson, Emmy Hughes, and Grace Fanson for running our booth!

January 2023:
- Grad student Tatiana Gibson wins Third Place for poster presentations during GT^2 Symposium at Georgia Tech!

Fall 2022
December 2022:
- Grad students Sharissa Thompson & Tatiana Gibson and former Postdoc Dr. Jacob Adler presented their research at the annual 2022 AGU meeting in Chicago!

November 2022:
- PLANETAS teams up with GT TECHTONICS group to conduct fieldwork in Puerto Rico to study landslides formed post Hurricane Fiona. Project funded by Heising-Simons Foundation and NSF Rapid.

October 2022:
- Congrats to Grad students, Sharissa Thompson and Tatiana Gibson, who won Travel Awards to attend the 2022 AGU meeting in Chicago!
- Congrats to Tatiana Gibson who was accepted and offered a $1500 stipend to attend the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop!
- Congrats to Sharissa Thompson who was awarded an IGEN travel award!
Summer 2022
July 2022: Group pic celebrating the end of summer research with PLANETAS interns, Elana Alevy & Christina Singh!

June 2022: Graduate Students, Tatiana Gibson & Sharissa Thompson, attended the 1st Planetary Geologic Mapping Workshop in Flagstaff, AZ in June 2022! They both won awards for their mapping products!